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Charter 400 Project - Constructing the Sculpture

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The structure of the artwork

The final size of the sculpture will be approximately 500mm x 1200mm. A copper pole with a large central painted plywood disc decorated with an enamelled plaque will form the top of the piece. The pole will hang from two brass chains with hooks. There will be three vertical sections. In the two outer sections the plywood backing shapes are suspended from brass chain.

Constructing the Sculpture

 Brass chain is passed up through holes in the top of the copper pole and hooks made to suspend the Artwork.  In a similar way, towards the end of the pole on each side two brass chains are passed down down through the pole. These will be used to create the two outer vertical hanging sections. Some of the painted backing shapes are then attached to the brass chain on each side.70CCDC01-998D-40B4-A7F3-B769695615FB

In the next post - Constructing the Central Section.




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