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Charter 400 Project - The Designs

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The Designs for the Enamelled Plaques 


The next thing I needed to do was to find a way to illustrate each of the aspects of the history of Worcester I had chosen, using a simple motif. Here are the first three designs.


1) Castle & Hive - The design of the plaque on the large central disc will show both the old and the new, with a three turreted castle an historic emblem of Worcester and beneath like a reflection The Hive.


2)The Civil War - I chose the two iconic and very different forms of headgear worn by the opposing sides.


3)Glove-making - Between 1790 and 1820 nearly half of all glovers were based in and around Worcester. At this high point in glove making, 150 manufacturers employed over 30,000 people from City and surrounding areas.


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